

Welcome, here is my inconsistently-curated collection of software, writings, notes, and whatever, that I've created over the years.

Software Projects

  • opts.js

    Command line options and arguments parser for NodeJS

    opts.js is a Javascript helper library for command-line applications, for accepting and parsing command-line arguments, flags and options, and automatically generating a useful help message. Introduction to Opts.js Why choose opts.js over something bigger and better? Small : Under 10kb, uncompressed. Stable : Relatively unchanged since 2010. See changelog. Standalone : No package manager necessary, no compiling needed. See src/opts.js. Tested : Millions of downloads per year. See npm/opts. Quick-Start example The following example set up a custom "version" function, and opts in to the automatic help message.

  • pageboy

    Write your shell scripts in any combination of scripting languages.

    pageboy Write your shell scripts in any combination of scripting languages. Example Script example.pb #!/usr/bin/env pageboy echo in Bash $PAGE php echo back to Bash #!/usr/bin/env php <?php echo "in PHP\n"; Running the following, produces: chmod +x ./example.pb ./example.pb in Bash in PHP back to Bash You can mix and match all you want. If your script uses valid shebangs, it will work. If it doesn’t, it’s a bug and please let me know.

  • treeify-paths

    Converts a list of paths into a directory-like tree structure

    Introduction Useful when converting a list of file names into a nested UL/LI tree. Perfect for site maps, and directory listings. Provide a list of file names: blog/all.html blog/2036/overflows.html And recieve a directory-like tree: blog all.html 2036 overflows.html Installation Install it with NPM: npm install --save treeify-paths Import with modern syntax: import treeifyPaths from "treeify-paths"; Or if you are not using NPM, install the library by downloading the source file directly and including it in your project:

  • react-zondicons

    A dependency-free, small, fast, good-looking React SVG icon set.

    A dependency-free, small, fast, good-looking React SVG icon set. See: http://khtdr.com/react-zondicons/ for installation, usage, documentation, and examples. Source Code at https://github.com/khtdr/react-zondicons

Tutorial Posts

  • A Tailwind-CSS development server

    Simple quick way to get started learning and playing with Tailwind CSS

    Simple quick way to get started learning and playing with Tailwind CSS Example output while running dev-server, shown here: Features No "transpiling" configuration is needed (or used). No build tools need to be set up. Tiny reactive web server: ~115 lines of code with lots of comments. Minimal dependencies: chalk for color, socket.io for server <—> browser communication, and tailwindcss of course. Installation Clone the GIT repository, and install the dependencies.

  • Simple live-reloading Nodejs web server

    A hot-reloading web server using ExpressJS, built one step at a time.

    Building your own live-reloading web server Follow along and build your own automatically-refreshing web server, as shown here: This setup assumes you know and use Node and NPM You are editing HTML, CSS, and Javascript by hand, because you like it. You've had some of that hot-reloading goodness before, and you want it now, too. You don't feel like spending the weekend reading Webpack docs, so you decide that it should only take a few dozen lines of Javascript, at most, to roll your own.

Snippets and Notes

  • Dark-Mode Light-Mode Css

    Use a media query to set different values for variables in dark-mode.

    Use a media query to set different values for variables in dark-mode. :root { --background-color: #eee; --text-color: #222; } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root { --background-color: #222; --text-color: #eee; } } body { background-color: var(--background-color); color: var(--text-color); }


What's with the domain name?

I really like the song. https://youtu.be/pvZ4MN-SoJA
