Welcome, here is my inconsistently-curated collection of software, writings, notes, and whatever, that I've created over the years.
Software Projects
Command line options and arguments parser for NodeJS
Write your shell scripts in any combination of scripting languages.
Converts a list of paths into a directory-like tree structure
A dependency-free, small, fast, good-looking React SVG icon set.
Tutorial Posts
A Tailwind-CSS development server
Simple quick way to get started learning and playing with Tailwind CSS
Simple live-reloading Nodejs web server
A hot-reloading web server using ExpressJS, built one step at a time.
Snippets and Notes
Dark-Mode Light-Mode Css
Use a media query to set different values for variables in dark-mode.
On the internet…
- Resume: khtdr.com/resume
- Email: mazzarelli+khtdr.com@gmail.com
- GitHub: https://github.com/khtdr
- NPM Packages: https://www.npmjs.com/~mazzarelli
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joey-mazzarelli-7522a727/
What's with the domain name?
The song kicks ass https://youtu.be/pvZ4MN-SoJA