Welcome, here is my inconsistently-curated collection of software, writings, notes, and whatever, that I've created over the years.
Software Projects
CSS Variables as Design Tokens: A Simple Approach to Design Systems
Command line options and arguments parser for NodeJS
Write your shell scripts in any combination of scripting languages.
Converts a list of paths into a directory-like tree structure
A dependency-free, small, fast, good-looking React SVG icon set.
Tutorial Posts
A Developer's Design Implementation Checklist
A comprehensive checklist for developers to use when receiving design mockups from designers
A Tailwind-CSS development server
Simple quick way to get started learning and playing with Tailwind CSS
Simple live-reloading Nodejs web server
A hot-reloading web server using ExpressJS, built one step at a time.
Snippets and Notes
Dark-Mode Light-Mode Css
Use a media query to set different values for variables in dark-mode.
On the internet…
- Resume: khtdr.com/resume
- Email: mazzarelli+khtdr.com@gmail.com
- GitHub: https://github.com/khtdr
- NPM Packages: https://www.npmjs.com/~mazzarelli
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joey-mazzarelli-7522a727/
What's with the domain name?
The song kicks ass https://youtu.be/pvZ4MN-SoJA